Calories in maize flour
Corn is a low-calorie food, so nutritionists advise including it more often in your diet.
Calories in boiled corn – 123 kcal Calories in canned corn – 120 kcal Calories in crab salad with corn – 109 kcal Calories in sweet corn – 101 kcal Calorie marinated corn – 125 kcal Calories in fresh corn – 120 kcal
Benefits of maize flour
Maize is a rich source of vitamins: iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and other trace elements. Its composition contains 26 elements of the periodic table. Corn is rich in vitamins B, E, A, PP, which are very useful for females, have beneficial effects on hair and skin, help to cope with depression. Corn has anti-aging properties, it is recommended to be used by the elderly.
The incomparable benefit of boiled maize is that during heating, the shell of grain is not destroyed, which means that it does not lose its useful qualities. Valuable amino acids included in its composition such as lysine and tryptophan, which are not produced in the human body alone, normalize intestinal function and muscle tone.
There is a big benefit of boiled corn for people with diabetes because it stabilizes blood sugar levels, for people with allergies, anemia, obesity, anorexia, liver, and heart diseases Canned corn is good because it retains most of its nutrients and it increases sodium content during preservation.
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