Jahazi All Purpose Flour

KSh 1,680.00KSh 1,710.00

For flawless rounded Chapati’s Doughnuts and tasty Mahamri’s, “Captain Wa Jikoni” will satisfy your pastry craving with a mix of our fine blend for a filling experience.

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There are 95.4 grams of carbohydrate in a cup of flour. Of that, 3.4 grams comes from fiber which would represent about 12% of the daily value (DV) if you consume a full cup. But few people would consume a cup of flour in a single sitting. A quarter cup of flour would provide 3% of the daily value or 0.9 grams of fiber.

A very small amount of the carbs in flour come from sugar (0.3 grams). Most of the carbohydrate In flour is starch, making this a high-glycemic food.


All purpose flour is a naturally low fat food. A full one-cup serving provides just 1.2 grams of fat.


There are 12.9 grams of protein in a cup of all purpose flour. A more typical serving (about 1/4 cup) would provide 4.3 grams of protein.

Vitamins and Minerals

A cup of flour can provide significant micronutrients. For instance, you’ll get 1.0 grams of thiamin (vitamin B1) or 85% of the daily value (DV). You’ll also get 42.4 mcg of selenium (77% DV), and 229 mcg of folate (57% DV). Flour also provides riboflavin, niacin, iron, manganese, and phosphorus.


Almost all of the calories in all purpose flour come from carbohydrates. A one-cup serving provides 455 calories and 381 of those calories (or 83%) come from carbs. Fifty two calories or 11% of the calories come from protein and the remaining calories come from fat.

But there are many different varieties of flour that you might use to bake or prepare foods. It’s helpful to compare common types of flour and their calories and nutrient variations.


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