Bakers Flour

    • KSh 3,750.00

      Carbs There are 95.4 grams of carbohydrate in a cup of flour. Of that, 3.4 grams comes from fiber which would represent about 12% of the daily value (DV) if you consume a full cup. But few people would consume a cup of flour in a single sitting. A quarter…

    • KSh 3,600.00

      An excellent flour for baking top quality breads, highly recommended for baking quality sandwiches, white breads, moist cakes and sweet buns.
      We also have A multi-purpose biscuit and cake flour. It is most suitable for baking a variety of cookies and cakes.

    • KSh 3,700.00

      An excellent flour for baking top quality breads, highly recommended for baking quality sandwiches, white breads, moist cakes and sweet buns.
      We also have A multi-purpose biscuit and cake flour. It is most suitable for baking a variety of cookies and cakes.

    • KSh 3,250.00

      An excellent flour for baking top quality bread, highly recommended for baking quality sandwiches, white bread, moist cakes, and sweet buns.
      We also have A multi-purpose biscuit and cake flour. It is most suitable for baking a variety of cookies and cakes.